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 RULES! please read..

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Number of posts : 163
Age : 34
Registration date : 2007-08-13

RULES! please read.. Empty
PostSubject: RULES! please read..   RULES! please read.. Icon_minitimeTue Aug 21, 2007 5:01 pm

The goal of this site is to be a fun place where you guyz could hang out and discuss about anything..
Warning and/or punishment will be issued to any offender.

1. use your common sense

2. read bef0re p0sting

3. no spamming

4. no phornographic images all0wed in signatures and avatars

5. no fighting with the an0ther member

you agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar,slanderous, hateful,
threatening, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate
any applicable laws. doing so may lead to you being immediately and
permanently banned.

7. give s0me respect to the m0derators especially admins

8. Multiple threads and posts with no purpose or clear direction are not allowed and will be considered as spam.

9. for everyone's benefit please stay on topic.

10. Subjects must concorde with the general themes of the areas which are proposed to you.

Idea the f0rum rules may change at anytime without prior notice.Idea
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